BIG Ideas to BIG Results
Remake and Recharge Your Company, Fast - First Edition
by Michael T. Kanazawa and Robert H. Miles
Financial Times (FT) Press, February 2008

A simple, no-nonsense process that is thoroughly grounded in reality,
inclusive of people and 100% results-oriented.

Big Ideas to Big ResultsBased on a unique senior executive program he chaired at the Harvard Business School earlier in his career, Bob developed a simple, powerful approach for accelerating the achievement of breakthrough results across a variety of corporate transformation challenges.

His Accelerated Corporate Transformation, or ACT process has stood the tests of fundamental transformations at such leading companies as GE, IBM Global Services, National Semiconductor, Office Depot and Symantec.

Once reserved only for executives in residence at Harvard Business School and a select group of global companies, the basic principles for addressing breakthrough performance are now available in his new book with Mike Kanazawa, BIG Ideas to BIG Results, and through his new Breakthrough Results Speaker Series.

"Why do most corporations fail
to achieve breakthrough performance? They make things too complex. They clutter it with jargon and confusion. They dither on the launch pad. They hire too many consultants, chase after too many fads.

It doesn’t have to be that complicated.

Whatever your goal, whatever your role, BIG Ideas to BIG Results introduces a simple, practical, 100% results-driven approach that works. Drawing on their experience working with hundreds of senior executives, the authors show how to align your organization behind just a few core initiatives; bias your people toward speed and action;
create leaders who can drive change at every level; and achieve rigor and accountability in all facets of execution. You’ll learn how to engage people instead of frustrating them, and harness their energy instead of wasting it.

Whether you’re executing a new initiative, entering a new market, or attempting to transform your entire enterprise, this book will help you find the right path, clear the obstacles, and get there
– surely and quickly."


Speaker, Author,
Business Advisor,
Global Thought and
Practice Leader

A widely recognized thought and practice leader in the field of corporate transformation and strategy execution, Bob is a gifted business advisor and process architect.

Based on a unique senior executive program he chaired at the Harvard Business School earlier in his career, Bob developed a simple, powerful approach for accelerating the achievement of breakthrough results across a variety of corporate transformation challenges.

Called Accelerated Corporate Transformation, ACT has stood the tests of fundamental transformations at such leading companies as GE, IBM Global Services, National Semiconductor, Office Depot and Symantec. ACT has been called, “A simple, no-nonsense process that is thoroughly grounded in reality, inclusive of people and 100% results-oriented.”

Once reserved only for executives in residence at Harvard Business School and a select group of global companies, the basic principles for addressing breakthrough performance are now available in his new book BIG Ideas to BIG Results with Dissero Partners colleague Mike Kanazawa, and through his new Speaking Series.

Corporate Transformation Resources is led by Robert H. Miles, a long-time thought and practice leader in the fields of business transformation, organizational effectiveness, culture change, and executive leadership. Bob Miles has pioneered an Accelerated Corporate Transformation, or ACT methodology that enables new CEOs to rapidly take charge in a high-engagement manner to launch the next major phase in their enterprise.